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Data sets

Following is a list of all the data sets currently available for use in the Neural Prediction Challenge.

1. V1 Natural Vision Movies - List cells - All predictions - My predictions - Download data set - Submit prediction!
   System:visual cortex
Description: Natural vision movies simuluate the spatio-temporal pattern of stimulation in a visual receptive field during free viewing (unconstrained eye movements) of a static natural scene. These stimuli were presented in the receptive fields of V1 neurons during a fixation task.
Added by:david

2. Field L Birdsong - List cells - All predictions - My predictions - Download data set - Submit prediction!
Description: Data recorded from Field L during presentation of conspecific birdsong.
Added by:junli

3. V1 Natural Image Sequences - List cells - All predictions - My predictions - Download data set - Submit prediction!
   System:visual cortex
Description: Random natural images presented at 60Hz to V1 neurons during fixation. These stimuli have the spatial statistics of natural scenes but temporal statistics of white noise (up to 60Hz).
Added by:david

4. A1 Vocalizations - List cells - All predictions - My predictions - Download data set - Submit prediction!
   System:auditory cortex
Description: 40 3-second natural vocalizations (40kHz sampling) presented during single-unit recordings in primary auditory cortex (A1).
Added by:david

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