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Prediction details

Each row in the following table shows the accuracy of predictions by an algorithm for individual cells in the data set. "Overall best CC" indicates the performance of the current best algorithm for that cell.

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Algorithm: rescaled-con-spec v2.0
Eval'd on:2006-02-22 20:01:28 (Prediction evaluated successfully)
    Cell ID   My CC   Overall Best CC
blabla0713_3_B  0.291 0.355
blabla0903_1_B  0.355 0.465
oo1415_2_B  0.373 0.369
oo2015_5_A  0.587 0.605
pupu0511_3_A  0.228 0.265
pupu0511_3_B  0.508 0.446
rr1416_5_B  0.337 0.459
ww1211_5_A  0.256 0.217
ww1211_5_B  0.391 0.483
yy2728_4_B  0.557 0.588

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