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Prediction details

Each row in the following table shows the accuracy of predictions by an algorithm for individual cells in the data set. "Overall best CC" indicates the performance of the current best algorithm for that cell.

3. V1 Natural Image Sequences - List cells - All predictions - My predictions - Download data set - Submit prediction!
Algorithm: MID v7.0
Notes:Used Maximally Informative Dimensions to simplify the stimulus using most informative filter, and predicted using line of best fit. Some used 2d MID, some only 1d, cells used varying methods of fitting to the curve based on how well it did in preliminary tests.

This is my final submission, as today is my last day working at Salk as a Summer Intern.
Eval'd on:2010-08-13 12:48:50 (Prediction evaluated successfully)
    Cell ID   My CC   Overall Best CC
e0008  0.235 0.717
e0012  0.134 0.352
r0212b  0.180 0.223
r0221a  0.223 0.463
r0225c  0.108 0.256
r0260  0.008 0.605
r0279  0.076 0.614
r0284  0.266 0.672
r0301  0.447 0.736
r0305  0.507 0.695

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